
“Okay now are you ready? e on!One two! One two three!”茱莉葉隊的Rapper又想要給茱莉葉打氣,可是茱莉葉明顯有點不想玩了。

“The…the…the…there is no petition。That's why we're in the number one position。”Kris看準時機攻擊。

“Your crew can't hang with us! Man we're too dangerous!”Tao也加入。

“Ain't got the style or the stamina!”燦烈也不輸他們。

“Just doin' my thing。Get hooked on my swing。”茱莉葉的Rapper還不死心,可是無奈EXO太強了。

“Rockin' the place droppin' the bass!”燦烈Rap。

“Makin' all the girls sing!”Tao附和。

“Yeah we make the bells ring!”Kris,Tao,和燦烈這三劍客讓茱莉葉隊的Rapper輸了。


“Yeah! A little guitar please!” Lay和鹿晗默契十足的狂High,茱莉葉他們知道自己已經被EXO和紫櫻全部搶了光彩。

“Show me show me show me show me show what you got!e on e on e on e on ready or not! La…la…la…la…la…la let me see how you bop! It's on it's on it's on! Show me! Get crazy crazy crazy; take it over the top!'Cause when we rock we let it rock!Rock it rock it rock it; dance till we drop!It's on it's on it's on!It's on!”EXO和紫櫻完美演出讓茱莉葉和她的朋友只能失敗而歸,而茱莉葉走之前惡狠狠的盯著紫櫻和莉莉。莉莉則是收到茱莉葉對她最後的威脅,而紫櫻只是用勝者的驕傲讓茱莉葉更加氣憤。



第九十五章 女人心計(五)



