31、In the hotelroom,le*e a tip for the hotel workers;(在旅館或者飯店客房,要給清潔工留下小費;)
32、On a bus always face forward;(坐車的時候臉要朝前方;)
33、When meeting new people shake hand and repeat their names;(認識新朋友時,握手並要重複對方的名字;)
34、When offered food,take only your fair share;(拿取食物的時候,只取適合自己的份量,不能貪多);
35、If someone drops something and you are close to it,pick it up;(別人掉東西,請彎腰去幫他撿起來)
36、Hold the door for people rather than letting it close;(進門時,如果後面有人,幫他扶住門;)
37、If someone bumps into you say excuse me even if it wasn’t your fault;(別人碰到你,不管有沒有錯,都要說聲對不起;)
38、On a field trip,enter a public building quietly;(進行校外教學時,無論到哪一個公共場所,都要保持安靜;)
39、On a field trip,pliment the place you are visiting;(去參觀別人的地方,要讚美你正在參觀的地方;)
40、During an assembly,do not speak or call out to friends;(全校師生集合開會的時候,不要講話或與朋友大聲叫喊;)
41、When returning from a trip,shank hands of every chaperone;
42、On escalators,stand to the right,walk the left;
43、When walking in line,keep your arms at your sides and move quietly;(排隊的時候,兩臂垂直身體兩邊快速移動)
44、Never cut in line;(永遠不要插隊)
45、No talking in a movie theater during a movie;(看電影時不要說話;)
46、Do not bring Doritos into the school building;(不要把一種叫Doritos的玉米食品帶到學校來---孩子們吃過這種由玉米粉和起司粉做的脆片後會弄髒學校牆壁)
47、If anyone is bullying you,let me know;(有誰欺負你,告訴老師;)
48、At home,answer your phone in a polite and appropriate manner;(在家裡接電話時,應