s planned。
That night at home as I packed my stuff I cried; scared that things would never be the same。 We were both going to have our separate lives and would probably barely think of each other。 Just then the phone rang; and as I wiped my tears and tried to utter a quiet hello; the voice on the other end let me know everything was going to be okay。 It was Tim。 Before even saying hello he blurted out; “Tina; we’re going to make that rendezvous earlier than I thought。 How about tonight?”
I was grinning like crazy as I practically hung up on him; jumped in my car without directions and headed for his school。 How I got there in such a short time (an hour and forty…five minutes) is irrelevant。 What is relevant is that the second I got there; I hugged him and told him I loved him。 I had actually done that numerous times before; but this time he pulled away from my embrace; looked into my eyes; told me he loved me; too—and then kissed me。 It was a kiss that seemed to contain months; even years; worth of love for each other。
When I left for school the next morning; I had Tim on my mind and in my heart。 As I picked up my wallet to get money out to pay for a soda; a tiny piece of paper fell out。 It was from Tim and contained words that touch my heart to this day and still make me smile。 “Tina; I am so mad at myself for waiting to tell you。。。I love you!” My eyes welled up with tears; and I felt truly happy and at ease with our situation。
I still keep that n